Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I know I'm crazy live with it...

It's probably pretty obvious that I have mental health problems, and I use the plural because it would be wrong to place all my idiosyncrasies under one label. Here's my thing, why are people so freaked out when you tell them that you have mental illness. Sure it might be freaky if I told them everything, I'm an obsessive compulsive perfectionist with debilitating anxiety that also manifests it self in chronic depression that can go psychotic, and oh ya I'm also dyslexic too.(Do you think I can really can call my self dyslexic and be able to spell lysdexia?..We'll let the courts decide that.) Needless to say I'm highly medicated and happy about it. I'm betting that saying all of that didn't help to ease peoples piece of mind about me. Anyways, here's my beef about people's perception of mentally ill people, psychotic doesn't mean violent or dangerous it means reality challenged, okay. (Once again I'm going to bitch at the media, with all it's over sensationalizing of sociopaths.) Serial killers are always on the news, and in every second movie, even though there really isn't that many of them and they don't do most of the homicides. In fact they are the smallest of percentage of murders. (I'd give you a statistic, but who really gives a rats ass at the end of the day.) {Oh ya, did I say that I really like brackets, braces and parentheses} Ya, so here comes Hollywood with another cookie cutter, brain dead movie about how a paranoid schizophrenic has made a plan to terrorize the public with an elaborate overly complicated ironically detailed "plan"... Really?? Okay, have you ever tried to make a "paranoid schizophrenic" make their bed or take a shower??? It's an all day endeavour. If people really knew the reality of mentally ill people they would know that most of them are scared to leave their houses and have a pretty hard time planning how to get dressed in the morning.... Okay, I'm going off in one of my notorious tangents, but I have to say this while it's still in my medicated brain. I hate, and I mean I really hate, when people use the excuse of having a mental break down to do things like: rape their kids; or murder their spouse..Oh that pisses me off, when, really, a person who has a mental break down usually is found in a ball whimpering in a corner or curled up in their bed licking their elderly pet cat while covered in tinfoil. People who rape and murder may not be right in the head, but they have planned their crimes and do not want to be caught. Should the be called mentally ill? I say no. They should be called what they are, murders and rapists and treated that way. Calling them mentally ill is like calling a gun a dangerous preschool toy. Mental illness should have the same respect as diabetes( which if untreated shows symptoms of psychosis and intoxication) or epilepsy( which comes on without warning and freaks people out who don't understand the disease). Honestly where I am I going with this? I reality is I don't know, but that is one of the bonuses of being labelled mentally ill, you don't have to explain all your rants. So please don't judge someone because they are "mentally ill" judge them if they are an asshole. Some of the most famous people of all time were mentally ill, take for example Joan of Arch (She decided at the age of 14 she should lead the French army to defeat the English, ya that sounds like a "loving" god would want), etc. etc.

Have you ever wonder why Old JC hasn't come back to judge the living and the dead? Probably because if he told people that he was sent by god ( who is also him? don't get me started with this) to do his bidding he would be put on some serious anti-psychotics and made to wear pajamas all day and use finger painting to express is inner child.

This doesn't even make any sense to me right now and I'm writing this, but it a rant and you chose to read it and nobody was forcing you... I hope??

( Just as a side note to all you Christians out there, Jesus probably doesn't want to see another frecken crucifix for the rest of existence. He probably thinking, "why can't they remember when I made more booze after four days of partying?" Maybe, we should be wearing wine bottles around our neck rather than crosses)

I'm done with this rant, and I think I need a PRN...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Skinny Bitches

Here comes round 2, what been grinding my gears for a long time is people who have never in their lives had weight problems giving advice to people that have. First off, the world is filled with people of different sizes and shapes, that's the way it is and always will be. No one body type is the perfect one!! I myself like women with meat on their bones that look women not children. There was an actual quote from one of those cookie cutter block buster crappy movies that said and I quote, "Her ass is like a ten year old's butt" and this is supposed to sexy. When I heard that, all I could smell was the fragrant odour of a cub scout's tent and I actually vomited a little bit in my mouth. That could be one of the all time grosses things said in films. And don't get me wrong I've heard some gross things, I've actually heard a guy use the pickup line, "Hey baby, can I blow my love snot in to your meat hankie". And that didn't bother me as much as the ten year old thing. I want women to be women not clothes hangers. Having sex with one of those so called "sexy skinny bitch models" is like trying enjoy a comfortable ride in your car while driving down railway tracks. Skinny bitch models are like those overly expensive, midlife crisis sports cars. Their pretty to look at, but they are a living hell to drive around town. Always wanting more attention, never happy, always waiting for you to make them run in a way that isn't possible in normal life. (I known I went on a overly long simile, but it`s my fucken blog and I can do what I want). Furthermore, it isn`t really guys that are the main culprit of perpetuating this `Twiggiest body type`, it`s women themselves. Especially the skinny bitches, oh does this size 2 dress make my ass look big? "No but it make you part of the problem with people today.." I know that using the term "Skinny Bitches" is pretty harsh, but it is the title to a book that makes eating disorder look like a good thing. It's like a how to book for the progressive anorexic. There is a pretty well kept secret that real men actually do like women with soft bellies and love handles. In fact they don't just like it they love it. It is true fat bottom girls do make the rocken world go round. "Big bottoms, you gottem, we wantem!" There are some things that have to be done to stop this eating disorder train: 1st-Don't compliment your friends and family that they look like they have just lost some weight and they look great. So you mean I looked like shit before and now that I have been puking after meals I'm some how more attractive. 2nd- The BMI or body mass index needs to be stuffed up the stink eye of the morons that designed it. Everyone and I mean every one who uses this chart needs to have their head examined. The people always say, "it not perfect but it's a good indicator of someones health.."WTF does that mean when the only people that come out "normal" have just gotten out of concentration camps. 3rd-Fashion models are not normal people, they are heroin using famine stricken aliens. I'm sorry Kate Moss but you look like one of the creatures from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Eat a fucken sandwich! 4th-Television shows don't always have to be cast with so called beautiful people that are always wearing make up and low rider jeans no matter what time of day or what the weather is. I'm taking to you CSI executives. I would go on a lot longer but I'm tired of the subject and this is not some stupid school essay it's a rant!!

End Transmission

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fuck Me in the Ass Gas

I'm so sick of people bitching about the price of gas. I'm tired of places called Payless-Gas and Save -on-Gas and they're the same price as every other gas station, in fact you get worse service at those cheaply named places and there's no saving on or paying less, just crappy service, broken carwashes and really disgruntled workers, not to mention the trainspottingish Scottish washrooms. What I want the name of a gas station to be called is 'Fuck Me in the Ass Gas' , at least they're honest and you know what your paying for. "We might be stickin it to you but at least we'll give you a reach around". So the next time someone complains to me about the increase in gas, I think I will have to beat the bejeezus out of them and tell them to take the fucking loser cruiser.

And another thing thats the sand in my vaseline of love is the stupid percentage chart that they get and that the government gets and what the profit is. So if you double the percent, it's twice as much as it was before. They blame it on the next guy up and they dont change the percentage. They just keep making more and more money. Why arent more politicians beaten in public? I guess I tend to look at things on the brighter side.

End Transmission