Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fuck Me in the Ass Gas

I'm so sick of people bitching about the price of gas. I'm tired of places called Payless-Gas and Save -on-Gas and they're the same price as every other gas station, in fact you get worse service at those cheaply named places and there's no saving on or paying less, just crappy service, broken carwashes and really disgruntled workers, not to mention the trainspottingish Scottish washrooms. What I want the name of a gas station to be called is 'Fuck Me in the Ass Gas' , at least they're honest and you know what your paying for. "We might be stickin it to you but at least we'll give you a reach around". So the next time someone complains to me about the increase in gas, I think I will have to beat the bejeezus out of them and tell them to take the fucking loser cruiser.

And another thing thats the sand in my vaseline of love is the stupid percentage chart that they get and that the government gets and what the profit is. So if you double the percent, it's twice as much as it was before. They blame it on the next guy up and they dont change the percentage. They just keep making more and more money. Why arent more politicians beaten in public? I guess I tend to look at things on the brighter side.

End Transmission


  1. I would totally go to a gas station with that name, but for a different reason.

  2. Well thanks for sending me left propaganda. Smoke another bowl hippie.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement "m". First of all it's left "wing" propaganda. And C. why don't you use your full name "George W. Bush". As for the hippie comment who's the fucking vegetarian MOFU. And oh yah,, your going down in the "who talks to dad first competition" or what will now be referred to as WTTDFC.
