Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Olympics? Why?

It's just two day away and the 2010 Olympics is underway...(that's starting to rhyme..fuck) Anyways, I have a lot to say and little time (my back is killing me, which makes me even more pissy than usual) So I think blurting out thoughts is the best way for me to convey my latest rant.
  • Why? really? why the fuck does anyone care... about the Olympics I mean... I'm not talking about existentialism right now...
  • Just because a country is willing to bankrupt them selves means they can host an Olympic Games.....-Vancouver has no business hosting a summer Olympic Games at best but a fucking Winter Games...Has no one noticed that it doesn't fucking snow in Vancouver 99% of the rains and rains...but..but.. you say we'll use Whistler???-{Fact: Global warming has been in affect for like...I don't know 30 years} They're trucking snow in from 2hours away,,, which costs like$$$ which will not be made back in tourism or what ever...
  • With all the distractions to day: emails, facebook, twitter, MSN, cheap crack, texting, the Ellen Degenerous(sp.) Show, UFC, manwers, Blogs of this stature, chia pets, staring at wall...Nobody, but the very fucked is going to be watching the Olympics except for Hockey and Figure Skating(male or female they have hot asses)...
  • Luge??? I've never even met a person that even tried this sport and there is the even scarier two man luge???(if you didn't think luge was fucked..lets jump on with another guy..what makes me think the Swedes came up with this{I have no idea why the Swedes but it's true})...Oh ya, M loves Luge...nuff said..
  • This is way out there but they busted a Canadian Snowboarder for smoking pot??? and this is supposed to have made him a better Athlete??The Olympics is defiantly fucked..any sport that you smoke pot in should give you a never helps me with any of my rants...
  • That last point wasn't to do with anything, but how fucked the Olympic is...
  • They have spent over 6 billion dollars on this latest of Games and there is cut backs to all of health-care in this province...there is nothing funny about that....
  • This last rant was written in under five minutes...


  1. What do you care about the olympics. You don't even live in Vancouver. I have to deal with ever major road being closed all the parking in Vancouver dissappearing and two hour long line ups at the skytrain. I hate the Olympics so much I'm getting in my car while the openning cermonies are going on and driving to Las Vegas! Bring on gammbling and cheap liquor.

  2. It's kind of ironic that after writing this post I got a free ticket to the opening ceremonies.
