Friday, August 7, 2009
It's been a long time.....
Well I'm back and with that my email was packed with get well and hang in there sediment. Well maybe not so much... cause really who likes a nut bar whiner.
Anyway, I got another 25 things about you email that my overly drug induced mind had to answer with the condition it was on my blog....
1. What time did you get up this morning?
-thanks to modern medicine I didn't...
2. How do you like your steak?
-still meowing and free...
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
-pass...your really going to get to know me by finding out which Hollywood cookie cutter flick I watched will give you insight into my mind, my soul, my love for chia pets...
4. What is your favorite TV show?
-pass again... there is nothing worth watching since Paula Abdul left American Idol.... I really miss that drugged up whore...
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
-In my house because that is where my stuff is...pretty stupid question....
6. What did you have for breakfast?
-I don't have breakfast it's against my devote devotion to pre-athiestism post-agnosticism....
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
-Since I cook for a living this question should be very deep and meaningful that is why I am not going to answer it because that is just the information they will need to finally commit me... I'm on to you I really am.
8. What foods do you dislike?
-Anything prepared by angry midgets
9. Favorite Place to Eat?
-up against a wall
10. Favorite dressing?
-refer to question 7.
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
-is this some attempt to gauge the size of my penis? Because if it is it's damn cold in here...
12. What are your favorite clothes?
-First off favourite is spelled with a u in it... We're in Canada damn it! Oh and it's my pink jumper with the unicorn and rainbows on it... What! a straight guy can like jumpers...
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
-So, you'd like to know my whereabouts eh? Think I would slip up eh? Well if you think I'm going to pay for those jazzerise classes you have another thing coming..
14. How many children do you want?
-Now there is a good question...humm... The sweat shop business is quite competitive, so I'd say around 2000ish... I don't really have time to crunch the numbers...
15. Where would you want to retire?
-There is no retirement for the wicked or unemployed...
16. Favourite time of day?
-Oprah....we only have one more year....the horror....
17. Where were you born?
-in a stable, next to a manager, because there was no room in the inn....
18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
-There you go again without the u... Death sport better known as Luge...
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
-hopefully everyone
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
-someone with a death wish...
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
-if I haven't said so fuck you....
22. Bird watcher?
-really...I mean really?? what the fuck? Who do you think you are jack off? You just go straight for the jugular with that, no, no, no ya sick bastard...
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
-I'm a human-being you heartless bastard...with feelings you will never understand...
24. Do you have any pets?
-Yes..okay... yes, a fish called Lance Armstrong okay... read your way into that I dare you...
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
-the answer was cheese know?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
-dead... thanks for the flash son-of-a-bitch!
27. What is the one thing you regret most since high school?
-yes there is... I could have had a V8....and vodka
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
-I'm not much for ethnic food, but if I have to answer (and I don't) I'd say cats... no wait... I forgot what I was going to say...
29. Are you married?
-maybe if I had any memory of the last six months...
30. Always wear your seat belt?
-They usually keep me pretty well strapped to the gurney...
And that's that now maybe I can get back to ranting...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
25 things about me bullshit....
Secret #1
- Fuck you... I just wanted to get that clear
-I am a cooking God.... and I am very shy about it
-I have an extremely good sense of smell which has turned out to be a curse working in mental health.... Every time you think you've smelled the worst thing in the world some reality challenged brethren raises the bar.... This is fucked up but sadly true, I can tell if a girl is riding the cotton pony when she walks through the door or when a guy decided to use sunscreen to polish his early morning wood and not shower. Guilt has a very strong smell... Some smells are so strong that I have to brush my teeth...
- I like Carpenter Songs... Please refer to #1
-I have a list of movies, in writing, that I will never watch. Titanic is on the top of the list, and it seems to be the one that people get up in arms about.. News fucken flash the boat sank a 100 years ago, that's all I need to know...
-I have been married and divorced twice... no surprise... honestly would you live with me??...
-I email and hangout with my Lawyer...once again, no surprise... I think I"m putting her kid through med school..
-I had a dog named Sport... I had him from age 8 till 19 and had to watch him die... I will never have another dog...
-I have watched three people die and they haven't brought any kind of emotion out of me like Sport did... Probably no one ever will...
- I can not be killed by conventional methods...I could expand on this but it would only bore me...
-I believe Jesus is a paedophile, Prove me wrong people, prove me wrong...
-I fear midgets, oh don't let their jolly fun dispositions lull you into a false sense of security. They're united and angry. I know what your thinking you could fight them off by grabbing one of them and using him as a angry object to club the onslaught, but it will be in vain cause they won't stop. They bite and hard, and when your down to their level you're done...This keeps me up most nights.
-I drink... a lot.. that was probably obvious....
-I hate the #14 which is also my birthday...
-I think people with Coca Cola collections are big losers...
-I truly hate Mr. Bean, not Rowan Atkinson but that fucking Mr. Bean. DIE! DIE! DIE! WORMS EATING YOUR EYES OUT!!!!
-There is only one true Satan and that's that Big Ass Purple Dinosaur, BARNIE!!!
-I'm heavily medicated, which is probably for the best...
-I've spent so many days in the emergency ward the nurses know me by name and where a certain private mole is....
-Whispering makes me agitated to the point of mental hospitalization...
-I've been committed through the mental health act on three different occasions....
-I'm not gay, I just really love rainbows and unicorns
-I've wiped a 60 year old mans ass and got paid for it...
-I have 37 first cousins... and I think all the stupid people are breading except the readers of this blog... sure that makes you feel better...
-I'm not going to say who or what but you know I know something really bad about you.....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
2012 whoooo the end is coming
This is just a quick rant about these morons that think the world is going to come to an end in the year of your Lord, 2012.
First off why do "They" think the world will end that year?
Well as it has been told to me the most accurate calender ever made was from the Mayan civilization which happens to end conveniently on that year... or was it the year 2000? ( it didn't happen 2000 so in must be 2012)
Well after that reasoning I can really see why someone of the such great intellect would think so. I mean it was foretold by such a wise culture, although they had not yet invented the wheel or figured out how to forge iron or copper, they were fortune teller wise.
I'm not sure, I could be wrong about this but I think that the Mayan civilization has not been around for awhile? (I could probably look that up on Google or something, but who really has the time with the emanate worlds end)...
If they were so good a foretelling the future why didn't they see that the Spanish were going to come over and hand their asses to them on a plate for some gold. I mean that was pretty important don't you think, but what ever.
(Some fun trivia, the Mayans used to believe that having a deformed head was the greatest form of beauty. So much so that the royalty used to bind their children's heads to get that sexy bulging cone look..)
I've actually been told by university graduate the Mayans predicted 911. Ya, the world is full of geniuses. I think I won't get into 911 because it is such an emotional subject to our friend m. You know m's such a true patriot...
Anyways, I will bet anyone a cool million dollars out there. that is so sure the world going to end in 2012, that it doesn't happen. If it does happen to end they can hear me say "gosh darn it I was wrong I guess you win".
I am not writing this little rambling rant to my good friend m. I writing it to my better friend Jas Buddy... Hey Jas your a true loser... Eat a bag of shit ya wife beating paedophile.. And I'm still waiting for you to back up your threats....
I don't have a picture of Jas Buddy aka Hitler but this is a close resemblance ...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
m your right I admit that my last rant was lame, so I'm going to rant about what you know best movies and the directors you love
So saying that I going to rant on a subject that m. believes he is an expert on, and how I truly hate the directors he thinks are gods... Sorry m and all the sheep out there.
I hate M. Night Shyamalan, and every movie he's ever made. I could could go on about how Signs could possible be the worst movie ever to make to the Silver Screen but if you google Signs you will find thousands of jack offs that agree and have written on the subject. I'm here to say that his best movie or best acclaimed "the Six Sense" blows goat. I'm sorry but if you found yourself surprised by the "shocking ending" you weren't paying attention to the beginning of the movie where Bruce Willis took two shots to the chest with a thirty eight. It was a lame movie m, I'm sorry but if you have been seeing dead people since you were born they wouldn't bother you that much...(ooww.don't get me with your lame ghost powers...oh wait that's jack shit.. fuck off you chain dangling apparition)...
I know what your going to say "m" Mel Gibson was is the movie "Signs" there fore it must be good. Well news flash asshole Mel Gibson was only ever good in two movies "Mad Max" & "Road Warrior" and that's it. I know what your going to say, "but what about Brave Heart!!" Bite me asshole that was one of the longest battle fatigue movies out...The Scots were creaming there jeans after that movie, it had as much truth to it as Pinnocio or Beauty and the Beast. Mel Gibson was born in America and raised in Australia. He sucks as a Director, just look at the "Man without a Face", Hamlet (He had to be be about forty when he did that movie and Hamlet was in his teens), "The Passion of Christ" (If he wanted to show how much he hated Jews this was the movie).. m..I've always thought of you as a true intellect but what the fuck?
Now on to the other movies and directors you hold as gods..."Peter Jackson" the director behind the longest movies ever made even longer than the boring books.." Get on the fucking boat you hairy footed homo the movie over.... I'm not against the "gay movement" but at least Brokeback Mountain was honest to the public... Frodo and Sam couldn't be any gayer if they filmed the movie in a bath house... Why did you like this farce of a film m???
Maybe Peter Jackson only screwed up with Tolkens books??? But what the fuck was King Kong?? Don't even get me started with what was wrong with this cinematic blockbuster... Jesus Scandinavian Jesuses...
Now your going to say to me you've made fun of those director but you can't make of James Cameron, he made Titanic, a movie that took longer than the sinking of the real Titanic..But he also made the "Abyss". "Spiderman" and "10 000 BC", Cinematic gold.. m..WTF?
I know what your going to say m...What about Roland Emmerich... He made Independence Day, Universal Soldier, Godzilla...Fuck Off..Really that`s the only card you`ll pull...
I know at this point your getting mad..m.. so your bring out the the big guns of directors... Robert Zemecks....well eat a bag of shit...All the movies he made are fucked... Your saying Forest Gump is a master piece, well so is my morning coil. And what else has he made...Contact....For god sake,, Jodie Foster what happened... and when you put Matthew Micwhaterverafuck as a the spiritual guide the whole movie your in deep trouble...w He was good in that fucking 70s movie and that that`s it.. Now were ranting!!! I honestly don`t want to talk about Cast Away, Polar Express and Beowulf.. so I`m do done m.... I know your going to be mad at your so called movie gods but that`s that buddy... You wanted a rant and you got it...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Lead me not into temptation.. I can find it by myself
In saying that I'm finally back to rant another day.
Let me think what should ramble randomly about?
It's not that I think people will eat anything especially if it's put on an all you can eat buffet for $6.99 but it's your god's honest truth. People in general know jack about what good food is and proof of that is in the bottomless amount of crappy fast food joints on this bloated continent called North America.
Part 1
The Cheese Burger
Let's have a quick look at your average "fast food" burger, starting with the bun that is made some how without any kind of substance. There are about four or five simple carbohydrate strands holding this thing together, you can take it in your hand and squish it into something so small that all you have left is a half dry glob of Elmer's Glue. There is no fibre, vitamins, or minerals or anything useful except starch (which is the same starch used in keeping your shirts nice and stiff unlike the baker's, that invented this shitty piece of bread, flaccid dick)
But who really cares about the crappy bun, what people really like is the cheese. Though I think something that is called cheese is supposed to be made of milk of some kind of animal be it cow, goat or even certain domesticated cats, not 90% eatable wax?? That's right eatable wax? And what constitutes eatable when it comes to wax? How many orphans did they kill before they found the right wax. "Hey! this one's colon didn't rupture with in the first two weeks. I think we found our wax. All we have to do is colour it with some oil based paint, you know the kind that doesn't make you blind, and some of that healthy cheese flavouring and we're good to go.." Yummy
But if the cheese isn't food and neither is the bun then why is most of America a bunch of land manatees?
Why we can't forget the burger, you know 100% really meat of some sort. It sumptuously fried in hobo lard for that smoky flavour."No trans fats remember." Well not at first, it's just a mixture of different Saturated fats cook to the point of smoking which as you know makes them into trans fats and tastes divine, especially if your hammered drunk at 4:00 in the morning. (Maybe it's not just the booze that makes you puke the next day)
Now, I haven't talked about the special sauce or the disgruntled worker who do much more than just spit in your food (you should feel lucky if they only spit on your food, it means they like you and are probably not going to go postal on that day) because there is just too much to say.
Any who, this topic is one I'm going to revisit a lot more because there is just so many fun things to talk about but don't have anymore beer. So here we are..
And to all you people who think I drink to much please refer to the cartoon...
Friday, February 27, 2009
I do and don't forget it!!
You know what really pisses me off, it's marriage, obvious of course. I am a bit of an expert, I've gone through it twice, and you can't really say you know marriage unless you've been married and divorced at least once. Just being married and not divorced only gives you half the story (what a revelation right...)
So the fact is I've been married and divorced twice...Why is that? Maybe, I have a twisted compulsion to get rid of half my stuff every seven years?.. it that I've taken a lot of shots to my head in my life?... more likely.. is it because god hates me?..well that might be true if I wasn't a devout atheist who won't believe in god until I'm on my death bed which I'll do just to cover the odds...possibly..To really understand the whole subject it might be easier to understand first the reasons for me to get married and then the reasons for me getting divorced.
Why would anyone or more applicable, why would I get married? The first thought that crosses my heavily drugged and inebriated mind is I have no idea??? really... well that isn't that true.
Let's look at my first marriage...
I was of the ripe old age of 22 and in puppy dog love with said lady (puppy dog love is a nice way of saying I was young dumb and full of...let's say life)
Well my first wife schooled me good and how. She was only four years older than me but she was a lifetime older than me in experience. I got my ass served to me on a plate and I deserved it for being a fool...
That really didn't answer either question of why get married and why get divorced... So why did I get married... because I'm an idiot... simple.. Why get divorced? Because she left and took everything.. People used to ask, "how's your wife?" and I'd say, "she's dead..." then wait a minute and tell them that she was brutally killed in a car accident in which my cat "Ralph" was driving and was distracted by all my stuff getting in the way of his vision. It was gory and drawn out etc...
And from that point on my first ex. was known as "the car accident"...
My second marriage and divorce was much different... At that point in my life I thought I was much more savvy and worldly. When I first met her I told her I would never get married again and would be perfectly happy to just live together... Right...
After being together for four years, (the length of the car accident she felt envious of all her friends that were getting married and laid many hints, that she would like to be married too... (to this day she will deny that fact... but it's true) anyways this is my blog and I can say whatever I want. The fact still remains that I was an idiot again.... Fool me once...yadda yadda yadda... Fool me twice I'm still an idiot..
This marriage was going to be different... I'd ask her, I was more prepared, I still got my ass handed to me on a plate...
Like the marriage the divorce was different but the same... I was left in the mental hospital (which some say she put me there.... but that's not too fair, I've always needed to be hospitalized)
Things were different in this divorce, though I was left homeless, job less and sane-less etc.
Though, I wasn't going to get raped in the divorce so my family, not me, got me a good lawyer because I am an idiot and things got ugly. This time I didn't lose my cat and car but things got smashed up like a train wreck, (which is what my friends call my second divorce.... I personally feel the name lacks imagination, but you don't get to choose always... if I had the choice and I do I might call it "The Matrix II" man that movie sucked... but made some money) Needless to say me and the"train wreck" don't talk... she's really pissed she had to give up some money....
And why might you ask is she so pissed that she lost money... because she plan on leaving me a year in advance and things didn't go exactly as she planned.... Still I went from owning a home to renting....
Now that I've got two marriages and divorces under my belt you might ask if I will get married again. And the answer is obvious... yes because I'm an idiot... but no, not until I find a way to reconcile my need to get rid of my stuff and my need for a good alibi...
Funny enough M is getting married this year after I have show him the fallase my ways, but what can you do... Maybe he's an idiot like me.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I am Canadian
I'm really tired of people telling me of there heritage like it means anything. "I'm third generation Scottish on my father's side therefore I'm going to wear 'our' families tartan and get all emotional over movies like Brave Heart." They're so proud to be wearing a kilt that has all the colours and shit and they have no idea how fucked up we all are.
I'm going to speak to all the people that feel they have roots going back to the western European ancestral back ground. You know who you are.... Irish, English, Scottish... Scandinavian ...German, French, Italian etc...Okay Spaniards too... Fuck you Fernando.. Anyways.... The whole lot of you have been invading and raping and pillaging for thousands of years and made us a big pool of mutts.
Fact: everybody has come from Africa as far as we know; There is no such thing as racial purity; and Hitler was a Jew on his mothers side.
So don't believe in William Wallace... Believe in Glen Livote or just plain Vodka.... Like I do...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I think Christianity is a chain letter that got out of hand
Hey! stop already.. ya bastards.
Here's a cliche for you, "Superstition is the religion of fools", (Mark Twain said it probably)...
They usually go something like this, "I'm sending you love so that your days will always be gay, and if you don't send this to ten of your friends in two minutes you will burn in hell... :)" Well... thanks to your cheery e-mail I feel I'm in hell already, douche bag
And you know who you are, you spamming forwarding bastard. Eat a bag of shit!
I'm tired of this rant already, but I am in a better mood, so Ta Ta for now everyone.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Valentine's Day Rant
I know what some people are thinking, here we go with another Valentine's Day bitch-fest, ya it's true but this is my page to rant on and that's what I do, so you can kiss my milky white ass.
Let me start with one major fact about why I loathe Valentine's Day... it happens to fall on my birthday. Which of course sucks because not only do I get to celebrate another click on the old odometer of life, but I have to go out and buy some overly expensive dead flowers, (that people usually put on their love ones grave 364 days year other than February 14th), buy shitty cinnamon hearts, waxy chocolate, chalky candies and cheesy "Hallmark" cards (that make you want to brush your teeth after reading them) Happy Frecken Birthday to me.
That is of course if I'm in a relationship of some kind, which I usually am not because I find being single from Christmas to Valentines day can save you around twenty bucks... You young readers out there should take that lesson to heart in these financially uncertain times.
So being that this special holiday is on my birthday I did some research on the subject. (by the way any day that you don't get off work should not be allowed to be called a holiday, cheap bastards.. even Bob Cratchet with his cripple for an offspring couldn't get this so called holiday off..) Anyways, back to my five minutes of research on the subject... Valentine's day has nothing to do with what we call the "holiday". First of all there are a SWAK of saints with last name Valentine and non of them did anything that special to have a "holiday" name after them. In fact the only thing one of them did was die on February 14th..Ya... lets all celebrate... Even the Roman Catholic Church doesn't look at the day as holy anymore, and they'll do anything to get the cult, I mean followers to come to church and through some "righteous bucks" into the collection plate.
Yet, there have been some folk lore stories around, that have given us this bastardised holiday tradition. One is where a Saint Valentine was thrown in to jail for being a Catholic priest (and not for being a pedophile... oh wait that's the same thing) and wrote letters to his followers to keep the faith... how noble. That's where we are supposed to have got the whole hallmark thing. And then of course, and this is my favorite, some guy?? who was dumped by his girlfriend on Vday decided to show her how much he loved her by cutting out his own heart and sending it to her, still beating I might add..(Pack your bags we're going on a guilt trip..) Isn't that lovely, why what a nice way to show how much you love somebody, by sending them a heart.
I could go on about the stupid traditions but honestly you really don't want to know how we got those crappy chalky candies and how they are made....lets just say there was allot people cooked in the Holocaust after the WWII.
If I was to rate the crappiest Holiday of the year, my vote would be Valentine's Day. Let's look at the others contenders: Every one's favorite Christmas, you get presents, turkey and to watch your dad pass out drunk under a tree; Easter, you get chocolate, ham and get to watch your dad pass out on top of a cheap stuffed bunny; Labour Day, you get the day off nuff said; Thanksgiving, you get turkey, football and get to watch your dad tell your sister she's getting more than him; Halloween; you get to watch your dad puke into some panhandling kid's candy bag; etc. etc. And what do you get on Valentine's Day, if your a kid you get to show the unpopular kids that you are not attracted them, both hetero and homosexually with little shitty heart shaped love notes. If your an adult you either have yet another day to remind you that you are going to die alone and no one will notice, not until your cable bill is three months over due and your loving pet Chihuahua has eaten most of your dead carcase. Or, on the other hand, you can be in a relationship where no matter what you get for your lovey they are not going to be happy with it because your kiss-ass brother-in law has bought his better half something worth more than your car. But, but.. you could be lucky and have a partner that doesn't want anything for Valentine's Day, they think it's cooperate and shallow... (What ever you do don't buy into that Hannis lie, cause if you do you're going to giving yourself hand-jobs with sunscreen in your car to the Sears Catalogue lingerie section for at least six months).
Here's a fact from my friendly neighbourhood coroner, February is the month that more people die in than any other month, even though it's the shortest.. Winter finally gets to you when you're getting on.... Yes, more people do commit suicide through the Christmas Season, but the most suicides in one day of the year goes to Feb 14. I got this fact when I was stopping by his place for a cold one, awhile back.
Happy Birthday you ranting bastard...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I know I'm crazy live with it...
It's probably pretty obvious that I have mental health problems, and I use the plural because it would be wrong to place all my idiosyncrasies under one label. Here's my thing, why are people so freaked out when you tell them that you have mental illness. Sure it might be freaky if I told them everything, I'm an obsessive compulsive perfectionist with debilitating anxiety that also manifests it self in chronic depression that can go psychotic, and oh ya I'm also dyslexic too.(Do you think I can really can call my self dyslexic and be able to spell lysdexia?..We'll let the courts decide that.) Needless to say I'm highly medicated and happy about it. I'm betting that saying all of that didn't help to ease peoples piece of mind about me. Anyways, here's my beef about people's perception of mentally ill people, psychotic doesn't mean violent or dangerous it means reality challenged, okay. (Once again I'm going to bitch at the media, with all it's over sensationalizing of sociopaths.) Serial killers are always on the news, and in every second movie, even though there really isn't that many of them and they don't do most of the homicides. In fact they are the smallest of percentage of murders. (I'd give you a statistic, but who really gives a rats ass at the end of the day.) {Oh ya, did I say that I really like brackets, braces and parentheses} Ya, so here comes Hollywood with another cookie cutter, brain dead movie about how a paranoid schizophrenic has made a plan to terrorize the public with an elaborate overly complicated ironically detailed "plan"... Really?? Okay, have you ever tried to make a "paranoid schizophrenic" make their bed or take a shower??? It's an all day endeavour. If people really knew the reality of mentally ill people they would know that most of them are scared to leave their houses and have a pretty hard time planning how to get dressed in the morning.... Okay, I'm going off in one of my notorious tangents, but I have to say this while it's still in my medicated brain. I hate, and I mean I really hate, when people use the excuse of having a mental break down to do things like: rape their kids; or murder their spouse..Oh that pisses me off, when, really, a person who has a mental break down usually is found in a ball whimpering in a corner or curled up in their bed licking their elderly pet cat while covered in tinfoil. People who rape and murder may not be right in the head, but they have planned their crimes and do not want to be caught. Should the be called mentally ill? I say no. They should be called what they are, murders and rapists and treated that way. Calling them mentally ill is like calling a gun a dangerous preschool toy. Mental illness should have the same respect as diabetes( which if untreated shows symptoms of psychosis and intoxication) or epilepsy( which comes on without warning and freaks people out who don't understand the disease). Honestly where I am I going with this? I reality is I don't know, but that is one of the bonuses of being labelled mentally ill, you don't have to explain all your rants. So please don't judge someone because they are "mentally ill" judge them if they are an asshole. Some of the most famous people of all time were mentally ill, take for example Joan of Arch (She decided at the age of 14 she should lead the French army to defeat the English, ya that sounds like a "loving" god would want), etc. etc.
Have you ever wonder why Old JC hasn't come back to judge the living and the dead? Probably because if he told people that he was sent by god ( who is also him? don't get me started with this) to do his bidding he would be put on some serious anti-psychotics and made to wear pajamas all day and use finger painting to express is inner child.
This doesn't even make any sense to me right now and I'm writing this, but it a rant and you chose to read it and nobody was forcing you... I hope??
( Just as a side note to all you Christians out there, Jesus probably doesn't want to see another frecken crucifix for the rest of existence. He probably thinking, "why can't they remember when I made more booze after four days of partying?" Maybe, we should be wearing wine bottles around our neck rather than crosses)
I'm done with this rant, and I think I need a PRN...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Skinny Bitches
Here comes round 2, what been grinding my gears for a long time is people who have never in their lives had weight problems giving advice to people that have. First off, the world is filled with people of different sizes and shapes, that's the way it is and always will be. No one body type is the perfect one!! I myself like women with meat on their bones that look women not children. There was an actual quote from one of those cookie cutter block buster crappy movies that said and I quote, "Her ass is like a ten year old's butt" and this is supposed to sexy. When I heard that, all I could smell was the fragrant odour of a cub scout's tent and I actually vomited a little bit in my mouth. That could be one of the all time grosses things said in films. And don't get me wrong I've heard some gross things, I've actually heard a guy use the pickup line, "Hey baby, can I blow my love snot in to your meat hankie". And that didn't bother me as much as the ten year old thing. I want women to be women not clothes hangers. Having sex with one of those so called "sexy skinny bitch models" is like trying enjoy a comfortable ride in your car while driving down railway tracks. Skinny bitch models are like those overly expensive, midlife crisis sports cars. Their pretty to look at, but they are a living hell to drive around town. Always wanting more attention, never happy, always waiting for you to make them run in a way that isn't possible in normal life. (I known I went on a overly long simile, but it`s my fucken blog and I can do what I want). Furthermore, it isn`t really guys that are the main culprit of perpetuating this `Twiggiest body type`, it`s women themselves. Especially the skinny bitches, oh does this size 2 dress make my ass look big? "No but it make you part of the problem with people today.." I know that using the term "Skinny Bitches" is pretty harsh, but it is the title to a book that makes eating disorder look like a good thing. It's like a how to book for the progressive anorexic. There is a pretty well kept secret that real men actually do like women with soft bellies and love handles. In fact they don't just like it they love it. It is true fat bottom girls do make the rocken world go round. "Big bottoms, you gottem, we wantem!" There are some things that have to be done to stop this eating disorder train: 1st-Don't compliment your friends and family that they look like they have just lost some weight and they look great. So you mean I looked like shit before and now that I have been puking after meals I'm some how more attractive. 2nd- The BMI or body mass index needs to be stuffed up the stink eye of the morons that designed it. Everyone and I mean every one who uses this chart needs to have their head examined. The people always say, "it not perfect but it's a good indicator of someones health.."WTF does that mean when the only people that come out "normal" have just gotten out of concentration camps. 3rd-Fashion models are not normal people, they are heroin using famine stricken aliens. I'm sorry Kate Moss but you look like one of the creatures from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Eat a fucken sandwich! 4th-Television shows don't always have to be cast with so called beautiful people that are always wearing make up and low rider jeans no matter what time of day or what the weather is. I'm taking to you CSI executives. I would go on a lot longer but I'm tired of the subject and this is not some stupid school essay it's a rant!!
End Transmission
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Fuck Me in the Ass Gas
And another thing thats the sand in my vaseline of love is the stupid percentage chart that they get and that the government gets and what the profit is. So if you double the percent, it's twice as much as it was before. They blame it on the next guy up and they dont change the percentage. They just keep making more and more money. Why arent more politicians beaten in public? I guess I tend to look at things on the brighter side.
End Transmission